@Ian0x0r - SNURF Blog

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VeeamON 2024 thoughts

The opener You know, I would normally write these blog posts with a, hey this session looks cool, or can’t wait to see this or whatever. But this one is different. The overall theme...

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VeeamON 2022 – Session Explorer

VeeamON 2022 – May 16-19 For those of you not familiar with the VeeamON conference, it is Veeam software’s annual data protection summit where they showcase new products and features alongside their industry peers...

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Veeam Agent for Mac – Cloud Connect integration

Background Following on from my previous blog post, getting started with Veeam agent for Mac, one of the items I wanted to explore further was the direct integration with Veeam Cloud Connect. For those...

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Synology Active Insight – What is it?

Background One of the items that caught my interest in the release notes for DSM 7 was the introduction of the ability to connect to Synology Active Insight. Active Insight is a new online...