” Send a copy of NDR reports to ” How to enable NDR redirect – Exchange 2007/2010

In Exchange 2007 or 2010, you do not have an option to specify a recipient for “send a copy of NDR reports to” from within Exchange management console.

In Exchange 2007/2010 you have the option to specify a recipient for internal and external NDR messages. By default, [email protected] receives the external NDR messages.

The Powershell command to set an internal recipient for NDR’s is:  “Set-OrganizationConfig -MicrosoftExchangeRecipientReplyRecipient <Recipient Identity>” so to set Administrator to be the recipient the command would be: “Set-OrganizationConfig -MicrosoftExchangeRecipientReplyRecipient “Administrator”

The Powershell command to set an alternate external recipient for NDR’s is: “Set-TransportServer <Hub Transport Server Name> -ExternalPostmasterAddress <External Postmaster SMTP Address>” So to set this again for the administrator account type: “Set-TransportServer HUB1 -ExternalPostmasterAddress [email protected]

Reference: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb400930(EXCHG.80).aspx

If you need to increase the maximum message size for the NDR message to match the maximum inbound message size for your Exchange organisation, the Powershell command is as follows: “Set-TransportServer -ExternalDsnMaxMessageAttachSize <FileSizeInBytes>” and “Set-TransportServer -InternalDsnMaxMessageAttachSize <FileSizeInBytes>”  So to set the value to 30MB for example, the command would be: “Set-TransportServer -ExternalDsnMaxMessageAttachSize 31457280″. You can check the current size by running: “Get-TransportServer | fl ExternalDsnMaxMessageAttachSize,InternalDsnMaxMessageAttachSize” NOTE: For Exchange 2010 you will have to substitute TransportServer with TransportConfig so “Get-TransportConfig | fl ExternalDsnMaxMessageAttachSize,InternalDsnMaxMessageAttachSize” The reason you may chose to increase the max message size for NDR is to retain any large attachments that have been rejected for delivery to a users mailbox. If you are looking to catch the NDR’s for messages that are too large you also need to add the DSN for large messages to Exchange 2007. You can do this in the exchange management console by going to:

  1. In the console tree, click Organisation Configuration, and then click Hub Transport.
  2. In the result pane, click the Global Settings tab.
  3. In the action pane, click the Properties link that is directly under Transport Settings.
  4. Click the Message Delivery tab. In the DSN area, do one of the following:
  5. To add a DSN code, enter the 3-digit DSN code as x.y.z, and then click Add.
  • To edit an existing DSN code, select the DSN code, and then click Edit. Modify the DSN as necessary, and then press Enter.
  • To remove an existing DSN code, select the DSN code, and then click Close.

Or in powershell run the command: “Set-TransportConfig -GenerateCopyOfDSNFor 5.2.3”

Note If you run the above command in powershell it will remove any exisiting DSN codes. You have to enter all codes into the command at once, so make a note of exisiting DSN

5.2.3 is the DSN code generated in the NDR when a mail does not reach the recipient because it is too large.

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