One thing led to another….. vCommunity edition
Say what now? What I don’t want this post to come across as is a Hey look at me type of post. It is not. Instead, I want to share my journey into the vCommunity over...
A blog about my adventures in IT
Say what now? What I don’t want this post to come across as is a Hey look at me type of post. It is not. Instead, I want to share my journey into the vCommunity over...
Background Now let me start with this. Yes, this is another one of those upgrade blogs, yes I updated to 6.7U1 on day one of the release. This update is however in my lab...
Azure / Blogtober2018 / Microsoft / Office 365 / PowerShell
Background Once upon a time, you were able to download a nice MSI distributable of Azure AD PowerShell module, but alas this has since been pulled in favor of downloading the modules directly in...
Background I recently expanded my Veeam for Office 365 deployment to protect additional organisations but it struck me that I had no idea how much data I needed to protect from Office 365! If this...
Blogtober2018 / Microsoft / Office 365 / SkyKick / Veeam
Protecting Office 365 A common misconception when moving resources such as Exchange e-mail or SharePoint to Office 365 is that the Microsoft will take care of the data backups for you. Unfortunately, this is...
Upgrade SQL Express for improved performance with Veeam UPDATE 22/10/2018 I had a comment on here stating that in-memory OLTP is not used by Veeam which prompted me to research this issue a little...